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  1. N

    Why do some people wear their Bluetooths all the time?

    There are people out there who never take them off except to shower or work. What's the deal? It doesn't make you look cool, or important. It merely makes you look like a complete and utter douchebag.
  2. N

    Why do some people wear their Bluetooths all the time?

    There are people out there who never take them off except to shower or work. What's the deal? It doesn't make you look cool, or important. It merely makes you look like a complete and utter douchebag.
  3. N

    Why weren't the "Alien" movies as disturbing to me as a kid as they are now?

    Why weren't the "Alien" movies as disturbing to me as a kid as they are now? Back then it was all action. Sigourney Weaver kicking some Xenomorph a$$! I recently bought the first four movies on a Blu Ray combo pack, and it wasn't at all like that now. The recent Alien vs Predator movies are all...