Search results

  1. J

    Will Georgina Sparks return to Gossip Girl soon?

    I was excited to hear that she would be back for season 4, but I kind of felt that the story arc ended so quickly, with Georgina finally explaining to Dan that she scammed him once again. Is this the last we see of Georgina? Since, she has always been on the show, I was expecting her to go out...
  2. J

    how do I vent my wood working shop?

    I am doing a lot of sanding and the sawdust and finer sanding dust is everywhere.
  3. J

    mma torrent - how can i get an invite?

    Im a older grappler with an interest to learn. I was wondering is there any body who could provide me with an invite to the community
  4. J

    can i use microsoft navigation software in 2005 Acura TL?

    Acura's own version is quite expensive in comparison Would like to save a few dollars.
  5. J

    Help me spend $3,269 on hunting stuff?

    What would you spend that amount of cash on? Every Alaskan is getting that amount from the state permanent fund this year and I am not sure what to spend it on. To help you answer this question here is some info for you.......I live in a cabin in a remote area of South East Alaska, other than a...
  6. J

    Will you pray for my dog's recovery?

    He's under veterinarian's care, but isn't doing well. No need to go into details, just please pray for Butch Cassidy, a 3 year old Golden Retriever, to heal. Thank you.
  7. J

    Is there a new nintendo wii?

    I was wondering if there is a new wii out already. I didn't think there was but I heard it from 2 people.
  8. J

    Are book sales declining like music sales? Are they projected to decline

    as the Internet grows in popularity? Internet searches don't provide a definitive answer. Does somebody who works in the publishing industry have the straight dope?
  9. J

    Hunters do questions like the following ring a bell?

    “How can I make my airsoft more powerful for bear hunting?” “Is there a .600 nitro express derringer?” “Can I find a place to attack deer with a knife?” “Where can I find a 578-70 HH magnum pistol?” The cylinder is stuck on my Glock, help? Can I hammer on bullets and...