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  1. D

    is there a sect called the born again christians?

    or what kind of doctrine is that? I read they are calvinists or pentecostals?
  2. D

    according to judaism? any jewish there? why did elijah go to heaven?

    according to judaism heaven isn't important or doesn't exist then where is elijah? and why did God take elijah to heaven as far as I read the bible, I don't find a single reason why does elijah is in now with the Lord and God will send him when the messiah comes to the earth? according a...
  3. D

    is it true mormons want to dominate U.S?

    that's the reason the candidate mitt roomney or something like that is winning the elections? that means mormons want something special privileges?
  4. D

    is it true mormons want to dominate U.S?

    that's the reason the candidate mitt roomney or something like that is winning the elections? that means mormons want something special privileges?
  5. D

    is it true mormons want to dominate U.S?

    that's the reason the candidate mitt roomney or something like that is winning the elections? that means mormons want something special privileges?
  6. D

    which christian churches support the homosexuality?

    or the gay people? maybe they don't support them but they accept them but they believe they might be wrong but God will judge them but they can be part of the christian church
  7. D

    christians? do you believe in the law of attraction or the secret?

    the good thoughts bring good things where can I find a reference about this law in the Bible?
  8. D

    what is the phone code for nazareth and tiberias in Israel?

    I remember it was 6 according my telephone directory in my country mx?
  9. D

    what is the phone code for nazareth and tiberias in Israel?

    I remember it was 6 according my telephone directory in my country mx?
  10. D

    is that wrong to masturbate everyday?

    and to do it like twice or three times? why is that? it is true you feel relaxing after the act? I don't feel good but I feel I don't have enough sperm for more? why do I have more semen when I did for a second time?
  11. D

    which christian church is the right the catholicism or any protestant church?

    according to protestants the catholics aren't christians but they seem to be the early christians and protestant churches appear during the luther's time and he said sola scriptura and sola fide and many denominations for picking the right one?
  12. D

    if the maya prophecies are false then where it comes from the idea of

    the end of the world in december 21 2012? please I am serious, don't tell they are just lie, I want to know the root of this date and stuff like that
  13. D

    do you believe in the prophecies of 2012 by maya culture?

    is that true maya culture never said something about 2012? is something wrong is gonna happen in 2012?
  14. D

    Jewish? judaism and psalms?

    is that true you should pray a psalm according to your age? is that true there are psalms for each ocassion like for looking a job, good luck?
  15. D

    do mormons believe the other christians are wrong and the LDS is the

    only true church of christ? a mormon told me they don't believe the other christian churches are wrong then why do they send missionaries to different countries and to convert others and to accept the book of mormon as a true book and as a third testament of Christ? I am not evangelical but...
  16. D

    what does mean the option in facebook interested in and some people say women...

    ...and other men and women? if someone says interested in men and women because he is bisexual, I ask this because I don't get what does mean this option in facebook? sexual preferences or it's about friendship
  17. D

    should I be worried about gay news?

    where many gay men and young men are killed by people against the homosexuality in many countries since I live in Latin America and it sounds strange here to be killed for being gay even I won't be surprised they are hidden in the news because many crimes are hidden
  18. D

    what are the maya prophecies for this 2012?

    the 13 maya prophecies? well many people say they are lies or they are a hoax but I wish I could know what are the maya prophecies and what are their sources?
  19. D

    what is an evangelical christian?

    and what is the difference with christian protestantism if both believes in the same things that protestantism says just the Bible, save by grace and stuff like that
  20. D

    any religion? according to you? what do you need to do in order to have

    an answer for your prayers? what do you need in order to that your prayers have an answer from God or the deity that you believe?