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  1. G

    how much does it cost to join a golf club?

    is it expensive?
  2. G

    the football starter Q: who started attacking a (fans) jumped into the

    crowed who was he? I jumped into a stationary wall once try re-inact it, i placed pics on the wall with melons, oh lordy wow, excitement ooh oochy!
  3. G

    rumours about Guardiola. going to manchester city?

    what do you think?
  4. G

    Manchester UNITED V SPURS your prediction?

    maybe there will be a surprise?
  5. G


    i predict i have worn my mellon out by half-time what about you!?
  6. G

    six minutes of class from spurs!?

    shamrock did well, again good to see spurs looking great, what do u think?
  7. G

    THE EARLY QUIZ question: How many teams have one the premier league?

    breakfast mellon, large mellon
  8. G

    PUNDITS WATCH again lawson and co talking tosh!?

    I am sick and tired of some of the spew you get coming from mark lawrenson and hansen, i mean talking about problems with manchester city system of 4 zonal play? I have never heared so much rubbish in my why bother! what do u think?
  9. G

    Why did kevin keegan take a shirt of his back and when in a football match?

    ok burger time
  10. G

    Why did kevin keegan take a shirt of his back and when in a football match?

    ok burger time