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  1. S

    Do atheists understand how they are fulfilling Bible prophecy?

    … understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, Where is this 'coming' he promised? … everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. 2 Peter 3:3-4 How will you escape eternal Judgment if you neglect the...
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    Atheists: Why did no “other god” accurately predict and fulfill the prophecy

    against the ancient city of Tyre? Only the God of the Bible knows the future. Are you unaware of the facts of history? Tyre was destroyed exactly in the manner God told Ezekiel (Chapter 26) 2,600 years ago how it would happen. It is further proof the God of the Bible exists and He alone is God...
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    What other prophet, teacher or religious leader has as many (or ANY) fulfilled...

    ...prophecies as Jesus? Look at the list for youself ~ No other person of history has numerous fulfilled prophecies like Jesus of Nazareth. His birth, life, ministry, death & resurrection are foretold in astonishing detail. They provide undeniable proof for the...
  4. S

    Is not fulfilled prophecy is one of the great proofs of the Bible’s trustworthiness?

    Does any other book even compare with the Bible? It was written over a 1,400-year time span, not just by a single author, but nearly forty, from all walks of life, on 3 different continents, in 3 different languages – yet the central message remains consistent throughout! Thousands of very old...