Search results

  1. G

    can i switch which e-mail my youtube account is registered with?

    a few years ago, we were able to create multiple accounts on youtube with one e-mail address, now every time i log in they push me to change the login stuff and whatnot, but i always skip it now it won't let me go past it and it's my main account, so i can't check my mail/comments/subs etc and...
  2. G

    Christians: What are your thoughts on this 18 yr old preacher?

    here him singing heres him preaching Lincol6- Im sorry you've been decieved I really am
  3. G

    Do you want to hear from Jesus Christ himself?

    According to this man and his millions of followers he is the Christ better listen up wouldn't want to miss out on what jesus has to say
  4. G

    Does God have a sense of Humour?

    What kind of things would he laugh at?
  5. G

    Poll: What talk show hosts do you find annoying?

    I vote Dr Phil and Trya Banks
  6. G

    Poll: Can you answer a question twice on formspring?

    Like if someone asks you a question. And you answer it and send the answer. Can somehow deletd that and re-answer the question ^__^ typos
  7. G

    Poll: How Homo are you on a scale of 1-10?

    im a -5 10 is highest
  8. G

    Poll: What do you think about this girl?