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  1. J

    Got a weird Blue Ray/DVD rom player... wonder if anyone can help me.. DVD's it shows

    in "MY computer" but? blue rays, the only way to get the computer to even show it acknowledges them being there is Power DVD. i was trying to see if i could look at the files. but in My computer it says drive empty
  2. J

    Why do Blue Ray Discs play softer then DVD's? i sometimes have to turn the volume

    all the way up just to hear? them I have a blue ray player on my tv and right now watching Green Lantern i have it way up on my computer i have to have it all the way up. and then i work with the volume to try to get it really good. but thats not always works...
  3. J

    Why do Blue Ray Discs play softer then DVD's? i sometimes have to turn the volume...

    ...all the way up just to hear? them I have a blue ray player on my tv and right now watching Green Lantern i have it way up on my computer i have to have it all the way up. and then i work with the volume to try to get it really good. but thats not always works...
  4. J

    Need someone who knows computer and Blue Ray ROM's... mine should play but wont

    recognize Blue Ray? Brand New LG Blue Ray, and it reads DVD but it says it cant read the Blue Ray.. my computer meets and beats the requrements.
  5. J

    Does anyone else have problems running some of the newer Blue Rays on a...

    ...Computer Blue Ray/DVD Rom? Read? i recently bought a new player for my computer because my old one was having problems reading anything But with both players, if i tried to watch the new Star Wars and a few others it might lock up my system
  6. J

    Why would my brand new LG Blue Ray DVD/ROM say my Blue Ray Discs are

    "Incompatable" or corrupt but reads dvd's? it works fine on DVD's but i have: Power DVD 11 Ultra I have the drivers installed the system sees the discs but gives me a error of curruption or not right for system. never had a problem running them in Windows XP.
  7. J

    My Blue Ray DVD-ROM wont read my Blue Rays (Brand New too) please help?

    it will read DVD but when i put in any Blue Ray, says "Currupt or incompatable with windows version" however with a former player i had no problem
  8. J

    "A Good Day to Die Hard" wonder if this plot line will be good for one more Die Hard?

    "A Good Day to Die Hard" wonder if this plot line will be good for one more Die Hard? Plot Concept: John McClane has found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, with the skills and attitude to always be the last man standing, making him enemy #1 for terrorists the world over. Now...
  9. J

    Top Gun... Remake or sequel... A Sequel has been in the works for some time

    (depending on Cruise)? But i could also see, as long as they keep the same kind of music and story line a good remake. But there is talk of Top Gun 2: Maverick is now one of the main if not the main instructor at Top Gun and he has just found his worst nightmare.. A female pilot who reminds him...
  10. J

    Has anyone else had problems playing some of the newer Blue Rays (Star Wars,

    Transformers and such) on a PC? I have blue Ray players on both my desktop and my lap top I have the most advanced Power DVD there is. But yet sometimes they play, sometimes they dont suck my dick asshole
  11. J

    Does anyone have Power DVD with 3D? I noticed i can turn on 3D on movies...

    ...and it does the red and green but? does it actually work? i was looking to see if i had any glasses laying around. But since its red and green i assume id need the old style glasses. So if i turned on 3D on "Fast 5" would it actually work?
  12. J

    Blue Ray caused my Computer to crash.. Anyone ever had something like this? read...

    ...details? I have a Blue Ray player on my computer, (desktop) and last night i was watching Transformers. It was working fine for most of the movie. Now i have had this happen before but never to the extent it did last night. I dont know if its the computer, the Blue Ray player or the movie...
  13. J

    Why do some movies (blue rays especially) seem to have boxes around objects? read

    details? I have the Star Wars Blue ray and while i dont have a HD tv, it still a good picture. But sometimes tie fighters and such are surrounded by a box of sorts. Wonder if its because the Blue Ray isnt working right with the basic tv or what
  14. J

    Has anyone else had problems playing Star Wars on Blue Ray? Read for details?

    I had to upgrade my PC's copy of Power DVD to 11 Ultra, and even with that, the movies most of the time dont want to play at all. Or freeze up or cut off. Then when i try to play them again, they dont always want to start back up. Im playing em on a regular Blue Ray Player and im geting...
  15. J

    For those who've watched the new Blue Ray Star Wars movies, Am i wrong or

    did they change Obi-one's call (read? In Ep 4 when the Sand people attack luke and then Obiwan shows up i swear there was addage.. A kind of oh uh like before the scream (kryatt scream)
  16. J

    Ok lets see who really cares that Lucas added or changed parts of Star Wars Ep...

    ...4-6 for the Blue Ray and DVD's? At the end of Return of the jedi, Sabastian Shaw who had played Anakin in the unhelmeted scene and then the ghost scene was 60 something years old. Lucas put Christianson in his place for the DVD's to show the correct age before he went to the dark side. The...
  17. J

    Has anyone had this problem playing a Blue Ray Movie on a computer? Volume plays low?

    Ive tried changing settings, but if i played any regular disc it would be fine.
  18. J

    Has anyone had problems playing their "TRON Legacy"-TRON, Blue Ray Discs?

    I have bought the 5 disc set, and returned it. I could get them to play if i worked with the disc. This has happened on all my computer drives. I have Blue Ray both on my Desktop and my Lap top. the DVD seems to work fine. I exchanged it for a new copy and again having problems It starts...
  19. J

    If i bought TRON Legacy Blue Ray (comes with 3D also) do new 3D movies require...

    ...the special tv's or can? I still watch them on a regular tv. I ask this because ive watched movies before 3D tv came out that could be watched on a regular tv. just had those green-red glasses.
  20. J

    Has anyone seen "Caddyshack III" its said to have been made but cant find if

    Has anyone seen "Caddyshack III" its said to have been made but cant find if its even on DVD or anything? Found a website. And it originally was supposed to be a whole new sequel with original cast members (as many as possible) back together.. But looks like they got the biggest screwball cast...