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  1. M

    FB status trend? "I like it on my___"?

    Everone's posting stuff like "I like it on my doorknob" "I like it on my desk" I don't get it.
  2. M

    Hoy num prig pow recipe?

    Got it in a Thai restaurant. It's muscles with some spicy sauce. I think that's how the dish is spelled.
  3. M

    What do these symptoms mean and should I got back to the hospital?

    It started off as really bad joint and back pain (though I have this normally, it was very intense this time and I went to the ER). Got on a muscle relaxer, ibuprofen 600 mgs, and prednisone. Then I became very weak, got chills, and started getting headaches - it hurts to read or look at lights...