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  1. C

    I am really interested in joining the navy but have no idea what to expect can

    My good friend was in the Navy for 6 years. He described it as "absolutely boring. So mindnumbingly boring that the best part of my day was playing 'spin the screw' where we'd spin a little screw and whoever could spin it the longest won" He was stationed on an aircraft carrier, dunno what his...
  2. C

    Christians, what do you think of other species of homonid like...

    ...neanderthals and homo habilis? Do you deny their existence? I'm genuinely wondering, this isn't yet another insult disguised as a question like all of the other "questions" on here. Do you christians believe they existed? We have their bones, skulls, teeth, even hair and DNA. Are...
  3. C

    Were Homo floresiensis alive today, would you be in favor of slavery?

    Homo floresiensis, also known as the "hobbit" was a species of hominid, 3ft tall, that lived on the small island of Flores in Indonesia until a volcano destroyed the species 13,000 years ago. They were a completely separate species from humans, but they buried their dead ritualistically and...
  4. C

    Would it be difficult for an American to vacation in Japan?

    I'm considering a ski trip to Japan in a year or two, but I don't know any japanese. Is it fairly tourist friendly, or will I get lost and arrested and sent to work in the phosphorous mines with the other confused foreigners?
  5. C

    Girls, have you ever been interested in someone not as good looking as you?

    In my senior year of high school there was a girl that was way out of my league, and she was one of the few girls in this class, and all the guys were always flirting with her. Except me, I don't like fighting off the competition, and obviously she was way too hot for me. But she was totally...