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  1. F

    Can anyone find me a video where Obama President Obama blames Bush?

    I hear that so much but Ive never actually seen President Obama do it. I hear republicans talk about it all the time, fox news, right wing radio. Can I get some proof? I know many of you do not need it but may I have it?
  2. F

    Why are people checking the candidates poll numbers like they're the stock market?

    Its 8 months to the election, polls numbers are going to go down and up, up and down. Mitt Romney went from being 10 points behind in February to tying. This has just become a joke. Can people not relax? No patience anymore? Is it the internet that's making people so daily concerned about polls...
  3. F

    Since no one is going to be interested in democrats since no is running, who do you

    think will win Iowa? What republican candidate will win Iowa?
  4. F

    Why do all the real questions on here only get like 7 responses and rants get 20?

    I've tried to ask real questions over the past 30 mins and I've noticed they dont get any responses, how can I find a way to make a real question into a rant so I can get some responses?
  5. F

    Ok are they going to be any real questions on here or just Republican ranting?

    I mean come on, is there another section to go to where people ask real questions instead of rants. I dont mind republicans asking real, intelligent questions but this FLOOD of ranting is just nuts and silly.
  6. F

    What was the name of that one old movie...?

    It was about aliens and they took over human bodies? There were little X's on the back of their necks and there was a scene when the little boy tells his parents about the aliens and then the screen goes behind the parents and shows that the parents have X's on their necks? I saw it when I was...