Search results

  1. P

    Spiritually cooking..If the person above you were?

    A meal-what would the name of the meal be? Below-luke -apple pie-you are the apple of my eye.
  2. P

    Spiritually having Insomnia tonight?

    It's 1:30 am where i live-so lets play an avatar game! If the person above you couldn't sleep-what would you do to help them,if you wouldn't help them-why?
  3. P

    Do you think IRAN is in end-time prophecy?

    Persia is modern day Iran Dan 10 12-14"Then he said,"don't be frightened Daniel ,for your request has been heard in heaven and was answered the very first day you began to fast before the Lord and pray for understanding,that very day i was sent here to meet you.But for twenty one days the...
  4. P

    If God isn't in organized religion than where can He be found?

    Do you think God works through a "one true,chosen" organized religion,if so,which one?
  5. P

    What is the most hypocritical thing you have ever seen done in the name of Religion?

    or heard come out of someone's mouth.
  6. P

    Should christians that go to church gossip?

    Is it a sin?