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  1. D

    what does my dream mean please?

    i dreamt i got some lovely new shoes and that everyone was admiring them in the sitting room, then this dog came and took them off me and started ripping them to shreds. i managed to get one of them back. meaning people?
  2. D

    what does my dream mean please?

    i dreamt i got some lovely new shoes and that everyone was admiring them in the sitting room, then this dog came and took them off me and started ripping them to shreds. i managed to get one of them back. meaning people?
  3. D

    what does my dream mean please?

    i dreamt i got some lovely new shoes and that everyone was admiring them in the sitting room, then this dog came and took them off me and started ripping them to shreds. i managed to get one of them back. meaning people?
  4. D

    what does my dream mean please?

    i dreamt i got some lovely new shoes and that everyone was admiring them in the sitting room, then this dog came and took them off me and started ripping them to shreds. i managed to get one of them back. meaning people?
  5. D

    what does my dream mean please?

    i dreamt i got some lovely new shoes and that everyone was admiring them in the sitting room, then this dog came and took them off me and started ripping them to shreds. i managed to get one of them back. meaning people?
  6. D


    I like to take prescription pills even if I don't need one. Addiction?
  7. D

    Interpret my dream???????????????????????????????????????

    I dreamt that... I was at the cinema with loads of people I felt close to, and one of them bought me a packet of toffee popcorn. However when we started to go in to wtch the film they took the popcorn more or less to themelves lol and i wasnt sure if i would get any.... Soo?
  8. D

    Ways of connecting to the internet .. ?

    Right well basically My parents are strict about the ammount of time that I spend on it, and I dont know why Id like to be able to connect to the internet without them knowing. At the moment we have a modem, but to connect with that i need a lead that travels all the way up the stairs so they...