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  1. J

    Early NFL predictions for '09!!!?

    *= wildcard AFC East: Patriots....12-4 Dolphins...10-6 Jets..........7-9 Bills..........5-11 AFC North: Steelers....11-5 Bengals.....9-7 Ravens......8-8 Browns.....6-10 AFC South: Colts........13-3 *Titans......11-5 *Texans.....10-6 Jaguars.....9-7 AFC West: Broncos.....10-6 Raiders.......7-9...
  2. J

    Who else finds "LOL" the stupidest Internet abbreviation?

    Seriously, would actually say "laugh out loud"? is it so much harder to type "ha?" actually, it's easier.
  3. J

    How come questions from Polls and Surveys are never picked as one of those...

    ..."Best of Answers" things? some of you dont get it... on the main page, the best OF answers, not the best answers