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  1. F

    Is the Federal Reserve destroying commodities so that it can keep...

    ...printing fiat money? The implications on the market and the economy in general will be disastrous. Every time some government entity decides to play the roll of some sort of sun god the whole entire economy and market suffers the consequences. This has happened many times throughout history...
  2. F

    Would bang on my drum all day by Todd Rundgren make a good theme song for Liberals?
  3. F

    Do you remember that study that just recently came out about us humans getting...

    ...dumb and dumber? If you never heard of it then check it out. Now there is evidence out there that our brains have actually been shrinking ever since the bronze age...
  4. F

    Why should anyone work harder than the other guy if the Government plans to

    redistribute the extras? Lets say that Mike works 70 hours a week and saves as much as he can. He buys a rental property and invests in the stock market. One day he realizes that his hard work has paid off and now he can buy more rental properties and invest more money in the stock market. Joe...
  5. F

    where can i watch old batman online?

    the one by tim burton with jack nicholson as the joker
  6. F

    Does anyone use CB Radio in the UK?

    I remember when it first became legal and I loved it. However the legal allowance of wattage was so poor, and the channels were so crowded, that you could hardly chat to someone a mile away. My rig blew up years ago and I've never replaced it. Now that I'm disabled, it could be a good new hobby.