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  1. N

    Catholic religion questions?

    What priest was instrumental in establishing the California mission system to educate Native Americans? What country were the settlers who opened Catholic schools in New Orleans from? What state did the first known Catholic school open in 1606? What larger country is the Vatican located in? What...
  2. N

    What is this anime? please help!!?

    every time i go to a anime watching site an anime girl apears in the top of the page and i really want to know what this anime is called. the girl has black hair and it looks like a blue flame is coming out of one of her eyes. i don't know if its a just a picture or an anime pleases help
  3. N

    What would you ask Shia Labeouf if you met him?

    me and my 3 year old are big fans. I ask him to talk to my son for like 5 minutes lol He'd go nuts!