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  1. B

    Has Zoloft helped any naturally anxious people?

    I've been anxious my entire life...just a complete worry wart...and it's only gotten worse with age (I'm 19). I was finally prescribed Zoloft, but before I take it, I wanna see if it has helped others. Thanks. <3
  2. B

    Should I ask my Doctor to change my dosage...?

    I was put on Zoloft because I have anxiety disorder and some depression...It used to be to the point where I couldn't even function, but I overcame that for a couple years. It recently came back, not as fierce as before, but it has really disrupted my life. At 19, I've begun to realize that...
  3. B

    "I am bipolar and straight, but when my meds are off, I become bisexual"?

    Okay, these aren't my words - they're someone else's. Somebody made a postsecret about it and I'm kinda wondering about it. How is that possible? What is your take on it? Even though I in no way think homosexuality is a mental illness, I think mine might be linked to my anxiety disorder. Right...