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  1. F

    help! new motorola v3 razor phone?

    ok so i got this phone and i need some help with it ok so can u make voice recording on here and make them ringtones? not thinking i threw the instruction manual away and i cant figure the stupid phone out. also does it take a memory card or anything 2 expand the memory? it hardly holds...
  2. F

    is there a way to watch youtube vidoes on a psp when connected to the internet?

    is there a way to watch youtube vidoes on a psp when connected to the internet? mine wont do it.
  3. F

    is there a way to get the internet on a psp without being near a wireless...

    ...internet connection? i? is there anything you can buy 4 it or anything? im not always near a wireless internet and was just curious if there is a way to get it without being near a wireless connection