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  1. A

    Can I still get pregnant if I douche after sex?

    Just kidding! Thought I'd give you all something to "Ugh!" about so early in the morning. My real question is.... My son, who is 6 and a half months old, seems to turn red when he has a bottle. It looks like a sunburn in some places, and then is kinda blotchy, like a rash in other places. I've...
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    Can I still get pregnant if I douche after sex?

    Just kidding! Thought I'd give you all something to "Ugh!" about so early in the morning. My real question is.... My son, who is 6 and a half months old, seems to turn red when he has a bottle. It looks like a sunburn in some places, and then is kinda blotchy, like a rash in other places. I've...
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    Does anybody know anything about the new Gossip Girl book?

    Besides- A) It's called I Will Always Love You. B) It comes out in November. C) It's about Blair, Serena, Nate and Chuck. I realize all of this. I'm going crazy trying to find out more!
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    To all you Gossip Girl readers...?

    Who do you think Gossip Girl really is? I haven't got a clue...
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    Is there a such thing as a fluffy Siamese?

    If you cross breed? My cat seems to be a Siamese. But he's ultra-fluffy. His brothers were all Siamese. His mother might have been Siamese. His dad was really fluffy. He's just a mutt, huh?
  6. A

    My best friend went to Casey Anthony's house and screamed, "Baby-killing c***s!"?

    My best friend went to Casey Anthony's house and screamed, "Baby-killing c***s!"? Did anybody in Orlando see the news where it showed this? Or seen the article on the Internet?