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  1. A

    Had a very lucid dream recently, and an awesome experience.?

    First I'd like to say, my mom passed away in January. I had my first dream about her this weekend. She passed away at age 80. In her dream she was in her early 40's. There was part of the dream where I was back in the house I grew up in, in the basement. I went downstairs to do the laundry, and...
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    2006 Chrysler GTC. Has no place in front for a vanity plate. No screw openings.?

    Is there some kind of an adapter I can buy at an auto store or maybe a Chrysler dealer so I can put my vanity plate on the front of my 2006 Chrysler? Thank you.
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    2006 Chrysler GTC convertible. Console lights do not light up.?

    (Where it says P, R, D,etc.) Do not light up at night, and I can't see which gear I'm in. (car is automatic).
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    How can I tactfully tell my 40 something year old niece that she has a sewer mouth

    and sewer sense of humor? She is a mother of two and I see her on facebook and her comments and jokes are totally inappropriate and immature. As if she's 16 years old. Also, her language is fowl and she is a beautiful girl, until she opens her mouth.
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    How long do you warm your car up in very cold weather?

    (after sitting all night)