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  1. R

    .avi xvid video with multiple language tracks, turn off in WMP, How?

    Running Win XP and WMP 11. Downloaded a .avi file encoded with xvid. When played in VLC it palys perfectly with only one audio track, however in WMP 11, I get a directors commentary over the top as well. How do I turn it off? The only possible options I see are under the "Play" menu "Audio...
  2. R

    Please explain data download speeds over the internet.?

    Internet download speeds are sold as 256k, 512k, 1M, 2M, etc. I have 512, (rather slow for broadband, but it is all I can afford), but is this bits or bytes? If I have an actual Download Speed of 50kB/s is this the max possible for the advertised 512? Bit of maths next: at 50kB/s how many hours...