Search results

  1. C

    What's the weakest MMA combination you can imagine?

    I mean the one that would get someone killed in the cage. I like Tai Chi / Aikido / Capoeira myself. What's your favorite?
  2. C

    When all is said and done, has religion been a positive or negative force...

    ...for humanity? I'm not talking about any particular religion. I'm speaking of religion as a whole, especially those that have had a lot of power in their society. Are negatives such as the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the suppression of scientific learning (Christianity) the...
  3. C

    Should MMA have its own Yahoo Answers section separate from martial arts?

    full respect to traditional arts, but I'd love a place to go to talk MMA without seeing a million posts on who Bruce Lee could beat or what style of Kung Fu could beat which style of TKD or whether internal styles are better for generating magical powers. MMA are to traditional arts what...