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  1. G

    Why is there so much war over religion?

    What does your faith do in the name of peace?
  2. G

    Will Barrak Obama do a Clinton this year?

    s in getting caught in a compromising position with a secretary or whatever she was. Happy New Year all!!
  3. G

    Nadolig LLawen and Nos Da?

    What do they say?
  4. G

    Does anyone have proof as to Father Christmas' arrival?

    I do Den- video evidence please! pls - did you taste them as reindeers are reknowned for having carrot tasting droppings, otherwise it could be an imposter X ray- if indeed you have Father Christmas hostage...then a ransom video is the least we should...
  5. G

    What is Santa's ETA for Scotland, UK ?

    Roughly when does he arrive Does anyone know? Studsric - Yay ta for that link :) boobear....I did not see your answer....go away with it Plato - have them ready, along with milk and a carrot x :D Fa la la la lal la la...
  6. G

    Why does the sky go foggy on Christmas eve?

    I heard it was so Father Christmas was less visible What are your views? Fila - what a horrible thought...I will find it hard to see Santa in the same light if he is being wicked with Vixen! John - love the theory Sam i'm 32 lol! I am asking the Qn as my children asked me it! Fa la la la la la...