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  1. L

    I am interested in Zen koans. Do you have any good ones?

    Ok, what is the sound of one hand clapping, can we skip that one please?
  2. L

    In or about 35 A.D., didn't Christ "prove" he was the son of God by performing

    In or about 35 A.D., didn't Christ "prove" he was the son of God by performing various miracles? Now that we have the ability to document miracles, why on earth would such an astronomical message from above make its debut for a bunch of superstitious yokels instead of a time when, at the very...
  3. L

    What, in your opinion, is the average lifespan of an Internet romance?

    We're going on 7 months now and it does seem to be getting a little frayed around the edges, so I'm just wondering. Should I be glad it lasted that long?
  4. L

    If I put my Winnebago on cruise control, can I go back into the kitchen

    to make a sandwich? I feel safer not driving while hungry.
  5. L

    What paradox would occur if a thing could travel faster than light, given

    that if it COULD, it would --? -- be able to travel backwards through spacetime?