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  1. N

    Dc universe online disconnected no replay from server problem?

    It's on ps3
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    Can someone help me with my ringtone please :( (Piano)?

    Hey, I need a rhythm to these cords. I tried everything but nothing matches and it sounds terrible. Cords: CC CAB CC ABC The cords are on a music keyboard.
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    Fitness gods, i call upon you!?

    Ok, im tired of being lazy. I want to lose this thin layer of belly fat so i can reveal my abs. Someone give me some workouts or links to a workout etc. my diet is good, i just need exercises. Keep in mind im not fat, i just can't see my abs because of my tiny bit of thin layer chub.
  4. N

    Is this a good workout plan? (Its short, plz read)?

    It can be a yes or no, just please answer If i do mountain climbers, pushups, and 1 ab exercise(i think its called bicycles). Can i lose weight and gain muscle if i also include like 2 bench press a week? I only have a small, tiny bit of fat covering my wannabe abs.
  5. N

    Rookie Trader: Shorting March 2012 Soybean?

    Been trading on paper /electronically for 8 months, seeing a trend in the beans market and thinking of shorting for real. Thinking of shorting March 2012 Soybean on Monday morning, seeing Soybeans in a downtrend, does this look like a smart move?
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    Who won 2 best actress oscars in a row, then quit Hollywood after only 3 years.?

    In one oscar film, she had a minor role, but one scene on the telephone clinched her the award.
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    Where can you download Divx Player V2.1?

    Please Answer A Download Link Of Divx Player V2.1 For Windows2000/XP/Vista/7
  8. N

    Where can you download Divx Player V2.1?

    Please Answer A Download Link Of Divx Player V2.1 For Windows2000/XP/Vista/7
  9. N

    any suggestions of what apps i should have on my iphone?

    im bored
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    Christian Scientists: WWMD? do you think Mary would have used Midol,

    Tylenol or aspirin? You know for when it's that time of the month. Religiously speaking. 3 min = 0 answers? Where is everybody today? o.0
  11. N

    I need LINKS to buy a handheld scrying mirror online. Can you help me find a...

    ...selection? Greetings and thank you for accepting this mission! =P I can't find any and yes I have googled up and down. I once saw one in a cool catalogue but that was decades ago and they no longer have this. Important keywords here: It needs to be online It needs to be handheld (or hand...
  12. N

    I need LINKS to buy a handheld scrying mirror online. Can you help me find a...

    ...selection? Greetings and thank you for accepting this mission! =P I can't find any and yes I have googled up and down. I once saw one in a cool catalogue but that was decades ago and they no longer have this. Important keywords here: It needs to be online It needs to be handheld (or hand...
  13. N

    I need LINKS to buy a handheld scrying mirror online. Can you help me find a...

    ...selection? Greetings and thank you for accepting this mission! =P I can't find any and yes I have googled up and down. I once saw one in a cool catalogue but that was decades ago and they no longer have this. Important keywords here: It needs to be online It needs to be handheld (or hand...
  14. N

    Serious anatomy question (dental) please don't laugh?

    What's it called when your teeth grow right under your nose? I mean like the opposite of a gummy smile: you don't see the gum line at all and your teeth are so far up when you smile your teeth don't show because they're up there right under the nose? Thanks.
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    Do you think people who are anti christ go?

    To heaven even if they believe in the devil? And is there a such thing called limbo? I dont believe in god or anything
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    what is wrong with christian people?

    Why do they try to convert people who don't want to be in that religion? Why do they believe there religion is the right religion?
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    Has anyone heard of the Motorola L9 Cell Phone?

    Is there such thing? Where I buy one? I cant seem to find one in a local cellphone store...
  18. N

    What is the most annoying advert you've seen now?

    UK Only. What adverts that you have seen on the TV that have annoyed you or just got on your nerves. For me i'd say these ones. NHS (with that song) The recent CO-OP advert. The iceland advert where they were singing "Its cold outside"