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  1. N

    Are there any atheists out there, besides myself, who think religion can...

    It isn't a question of "can". They are.
  2. N

    If religion is the opium for the masses, should religious education have... minimum age restriction? After all, you have to be 18 to buy tobacco where I com from and 16 to get a beer in a pub. I believe you must even be 21 in some states in the US! If religion is a drug, shouldn't government ensure, that kids under the AGWof, say 18, don't get any exposure to it?
  3. N

    Why can I criticize some ones politics, but not his religion?

    If I meet a marxist, communist or nazi, then I can ridicule and condemn his political opinion any way I want to and try to humble him in a debate with facts and figures. And as long as neither party resorts to violence, it's socially ok and acceptable. If I try to do the same about some ones...
  4. N

    Do Cut guys tend to be more ticklish on their dick than Uncut guys?

    I have noticed that cut guys are more ticklish on their dicks than uncut guys... are cut guys more ticklish than uncut or does it depend on the guy?