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  1. L

    how do I change my gamertag for free on xbox live?

    Ok. I ended up with a sucky name while I was configuring my profile for the first time. Instead of making one, I accidentally picked the default. Now, I thought I could change it easily but it won't without 800 points. is there another way?
  2. L

    why is my iphone turning off on its own?

    It shuts down on its own. its not a battery outage issue. WHy is this happening?
  3. L

    How can I unlock a Nokia N95 phone?

    it came from london and its locked. I think the network is from vodafone. its such a waste not to use it so any thoughts?
  4. L

    How can I unlock a Nokia N95 phone?

    it came from london and its locked. I think the network is from vodafone. its such a waste not to use it so any thoughts?
  5. L

    When will Iphone support flash?

    I've been trying to watch some videos online but they don't play unless they are quicktime and on youtube.