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  1. W

    What celeb do you imagine the Regs are like in real life?

    I'll start with Riggs, sorry Riggs but I envisage you as John McCriddock! roflmfao So Gart wouldn't that make you The Boobie??? roflmfao Anyways Gart you haven't answered the bloody Q!
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    Celebrity Come Dine With Me, Edwina, would she wreck the mood at your dinner party?

    Hiya Steve, FFS you need to spend more time on here, not seen you in AGES!
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    Celeb RTV shows, d'you think there's a list of celebs who go on all the RTV the yellow pages? And whenever anybodys making a new RTv show they just consult THE LIST? LOL' Whats next Vanessa Feltz and Bianca Gasgoine on Dancing on Ice?
  4. W

    DOI, Who's going to go next then?

    And could you please answer this Q as well peeps?;_ylt=Air_FT_lnKacgtzxjLFc9FwgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090208173634AAq2zM5
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    Celeb BB, Mutya's walked, don't you think there should be some sort of

    consequence for contestants who walk? In Celeb BB if they leave then they're forfeiting a percentage of their earnings etc???? And not just in Celeb BB, normal BB as well!
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    Celeb BB, anybody else LOl @ Coolios description of Tina? A bowling ball...

    ...on legs? lmao?
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    Celeb BB, who was worse in taking over the kitchen, Carole or Coolio?

    Carole, remember she had pube hair???
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    Celeb BB, All those of you who think Coolio is bullying and threatening...

    ...Michelle, if this is true, why isn't ? he up for eviction? Why did the housemates not nominate him? Has it ever occured to you that he's ONLY taking the piss, and the BB producers have edited the highlights to look WAAAAAAAY more than what it is? reegs, couldn't agree more
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    Celeb BB, Ahhh Ben got a pair of balls and stood up to Coolio, "I think you...

    ...should apologise to Michelle"? anybody else AMAZED by this?
  10. W

    Celeb BB, anybody else surprised by the nominations? The way they've all

    went on I thought Coolio would have a? clean break, why didn't everyone vote for him if he sends them mad? is it BB editing??? Coolio to WIN!!!
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    Celeb BB, Benchelle, Ahhh they're just made for each other, dim, false, self...

    ...obsessed and utterly boring, is ? this true???
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    Celeb BB, Chesney Hawkes Hero Worship, I used to love Chesney Hawkes when I

    was 12, I used to rush home from ? school to watch "The one and only" on the MTV top 5, any other secret Chesney fans out there, albeit for just that one song, I wonder what it was??? maybe it was the mole that did it for me! ROFLMFAO
  13. W

    Celeb BB, Coolio, "that is one rubbish song" anyone LTFAO @ that?

    Chesney Hawkes, The one and only, personally I think the name cursed the song! LOL OMG Hotlips, d'you think so?????lol
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    Celeb BB, Verne singing, I thought he sounded like a swarm of bees

    buzzing, FFS my cat sings better, what ? d'you think?
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    Celeb BB, D'you think Chesney Hawkes might be a new housemate going in? and

    thats why they're having Chesney ? night?
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    Celeb BB, Tina "Michelle who?, Is she famous??" LMFAO, anyone else find that funny?

    Celeb BB, Tina "Michelle who?, Is she famous??" LMFAO, anyone else find that funny? Well she's more famous than Ben! LOL
  17. W

    Celebrity BB, Is Verne the celebrity version of Mikey? i.e perv,

    handicapped and probably going to make it to? the final cause no one wants to nominate/evict the handicapped guy? Shell you vote to evict not to keep in!
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    Celeb BB, last night with Davina, did anyone notice that the live audience were...

    ...all dressed in Hoodies and ? looked like they just came from being guests on Jeremy Kyle???
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    Celebrity BB, Would Coolio and Alexandra from last years BB, get on? would they

    connect because of their ? Gangsta Connections??? Rememer I told you, Pow Pow Pow!!!!
  20. W

    RTVers, if you could liken yourself or other RTV regulars to one of the

    "Celebrities" in the Celeb BB house, ? who would it be, and why???