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  1. A

    Why doesn't all this talk about ratification just go to sleep.My brother...

    ...came home Saturday night ratified and? He just collapsed into bed and went to sleep
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    How do soccer teams every survive financialy when there are strikers every game .You

    would think that they --? should be happy with what they earn and have no need to strike
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    Has Yahoo gone bankrupt because the production line has stopped and i am

    ringing the bell but there is no ---? ANSWERS
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    If Mozilla Firefox and The Internet Explorer had a fight who would win?

    Even though Mozilla is a woman she is a distant cousin of Godzilla the fearless warrior and my money would be on her
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    How can I fix my internet ?

    Try using Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet explorer
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    If you found love on the internet and got married would you invite the...

    ...Internet explorer to the wedding as---? BEST MAN
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    Somethings ringing a bell in my head but the answers running away from me.Ah! i

    know,Did you play rat tat---? ginger when you were younger---(knock the door and run away and hide
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    Is it about Time that America realised that Alarm bells are ringing and that they

    are a little slow in -----? catching up with Britain it,s a pun about time difference 6 or more hours behind---TIME-ALARM---SLOW---i give up
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    Life is a great redeemer and you accumulate knowledge as you travel down...

    ...different routes.What is the greatest? Lesson that you have learned from your life's journey so far