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  1. M

    Will Best Buy honor ad price on tv?

    I have my eye on a TV at Best Buy, before Christmas it was on sale and I printed the ad price. It went back to regular price on 12/24. If I go in there today, with all the after-Christmas sales going on, do you think they will honor that sale price?
  2. M

    How come pirates don't say ARRR anymore?

    Looking at the news, these yahoos they call "pirates" are a joke.. where's the eyepatch? The hook hand? The green parrot with an eyepatch? What, no peg legs or Jolly Roger flag? I can't tell you how let down I am. And going after OIL?!? Not gold?? Blackbeard must be spinning in his grave.. if he...
  3. M

    How to get song from itunes into windows movie maker?

    I want to take part of a song from itunes and put it in windows movie maker for a slideshow I am making. On a windows XP machine, what's the best way to do this? I will want to cut down the length of the song once it is in movie maker. Or maybe before it even gets there.