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  1. R

    No jokes. Please answer with conviction. A tale of two cities...?

    There are two Romes--the Classical Rome and the Burning Rome. Why do people rush madly everyday to reach the Burning Rome? Why do the advertisers project the image of Burning Rome as Classical Rome? Why do people believe the Burning Rome as the Classical Rome even when the fire of recession...
  2. R

    No jokes; please answer with conviction. Why do...?

    1. People want to grow but fear to change? 2. People preach something and practice the opposite? 3. People praise generosity of others but do not learn generosity? 5. People love to hurt others? 6. People readily discourage others but do no encourage? 7. Pointed questions make people to explode...
  3. R

    No jokes. Please answer with conviction. A tale of two birds...?

    The dove is a bird both by structure and by nature and hence it flies in freedom. The ostrich is a bird by structure but not by nature and hence it remains grounded lifelong. So, why "high tech" modern education and environment make us ostrich? Can ostrich education make us free? When? In...
  4. R

    Inbox email got erased?

    I was on my computer and had a few tabs open including one for my hotmail email account. When I went back to my email, all my inbox messages were erased. I checked in all my folders to see if they somehow went in there, but they're gone! I never deleted any of them and checked in the deleted...
  5. R

    Inbox email got erased?

    I was on my computer and had a few tabs open including one for my hotmail email account. When I went back to my email, all my inbox messages were erased. I checked in all my folders to see if they somehow went in there, but they're gone! I never deleted any of them and checked in the deleted...
  6. R

    Inbox email got erased?

    I was on my computer and had a few tabs open including one for my hotmail email account. When I went back to my email, all my inbox messages were erased. I checked in all my folders to see if they somehow went in there, but they're gone! I never deleted any of them and checked in the deleted...
  7. R

    Inbox email got erased?

    I was on my computer and had a few tabs open including one for my hotmail email account. When I went back to my email, all my inbox messages were erased. I checked in all my folders to see if they somehow went in there, but they're gone! I never deleted any of them and checked in the deleted...
  8. R

    How long was Celebrity Bg Brother on for?

    It seemed so short
  9. R

    Do you know where to find a really cool point n' click adventure game on...

    ...the Internet? ? Do you? I searched (almost) the whole Internet(ALMOST, It would take days to search the whole Internet,uh, maybe YEARS!) please??
  10. R

    Is a 26 pound bmx bike good for learning bunnyhops?

    i am learning bunny hops a i recently bought a 45 pound mongoose so i figure this would be ood but im wondering is it too light.