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    Vanilla gelatin recipes?

    There is this bakery that has vanilla flavored gelatin and it is awesome!! I just can't find any recipes online. Dies anybody know of one?
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    Will you be on the Politics section April 1st?

    You know because of the whole Conficker worm thing. Or is it just a huge April fools joke in your opinion. Im in Cali. It's 10:35 here. R.I.P USA: LOL that was good one!! James Bong: Obama Insurance?
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    Is this a coincidence or does God hate me?

    So this year my school got a new dean, and he's cracking down on absences and tardees. So that means every time a sub marks me absent on accident or I come in late and my teacher forgets to mark me there, my parents get a call home. Sometimes I randomly decide to listen to the answering...
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    What's your favorite meal?

    Mine is a cheeseburger, sweet potato french fries, and a huckleberry milk shake. What's yours?
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    has anyone been able to get their Ipod touch to connect to the internet? ?

    How?!!! Mother of God! HOW?! D:<
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    What is the spanish word for bells? Or what christmas song is this?

    We sang a christmas song in spanish and it says something about (bells, something something belen, lalalalalalalala me traes), What song is it?
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    Can someone find me pictures of the character called Agynes on Gossip Girl?

    Apparently she's based on Cory Kennedy...I want to see!