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  1. C

    What's this symbol on my Motorola Razr mean?

    The symbol is a sheet of paper-looking thing with a little star on the left corner. Or you could look at it as a little blue square with black lines inside of it, with the star in the upper left hand corner of the "box".
  2. C

    can someone help me with my constant light headedness?

    i know that's not the right word, but its all i could think of. i'm not hungry, and i never get up fast. i donated blood in this past november, i passed out and puked because i was underweight. someone told me that could cause long term effects? i need answers, migraines are also constant.
  3. C

    do you think this is a good cellphone deal?|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1309|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50#ebayphotohosting i'd be putting an AT&T sim...
  4. C

    Watch gossip girl online ?

    where can i watch gossip girl online in australia? ive been watching it on youtube except i can find the complete episode 8. thanks