Search results

  1. H

    GIRLS ONLY - I want to buy a cool new gadget - budget of £100?

    Hi! I'm 18, a girl and I wanna buy a really cool gadget. something really modern and "cutting edge" thing is i've only got £100 and just been going around looking at iPhones and Kindles - and cool cameras so I can use Instagram. Its doing my head in cos there's so much choice. plus i'm really...
  2. H

    GIRLS ONLY - I want to buy a cool gadget - budget of £100?

    Hi! I'm 18, a girl and I wanna buy a really cool gadget. Only got £100 and just been going around looking at iPhones and Kindles - and cool cameras so I can use Instagram. Its doing my head in cos there's so much choice. plus i'm really creative. I blog and do design work and like fashion...
  3. H

    hairstyles like these celebrities..??...?

    hey!! i luv Miranda Cosgrove, Vanessa Hudgens and Miley Cyrus's hair!! i would like to know how you can get your hair as SILKY and SOFT as them!! please send me links pictures and other things as possible to help!!! PLEASE PLEASE!!!!
  4. H

    What is that website called with the hamster maze and at the end something pops out?

    There is a website with this hamster maze that you have to do then at the end something jumps out at you. I forgot the name of the website. I think it started with and F???? plz help!