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  1. W

    How do i fix Grinding in my Headset of my BMX?

    its a stock headset.. its nothing special and ive noticed some grinding recently. So i loosened it all off completely, and did all the bolts back up ,lightly and it still grinds. I took the whole thing apart cleaned all the dirt up and put it all back in, but its still grinding, do i need to...
  2. W

    Make Your own BMX Bike Online (Virtual)?

    I remember finding a website where you couldn't exactly make your own bmx, buy you could choose the colours of each part, and that was it, but it was still useful, does anyone know it ? or know of a better one?? thank you in advance
  3. W

    How to weigh a BMX Bike?

    Where can i get a tool to weigh my BMX? not like scales but one of those things that hang down and you attach a little hook to your handlebars or something and if gives u the reading in pounds?
  4. W

    Video Sites for PSP Internet like Youtube?

    Is there any video internet sites where you can go on directly from your psp and watch videos or download mp4 videos of all kinds with out having to use a computer? thanks.
  5. W

    Radio for Ipod Nano 3G 4GB?

    Is there an add on that i can buy so that i can get a radio station on my ipod like GWR Bristol for example while im walking to college? I dont know if this will work on my ipod, but does this give your ipod radio and would it work on my Ipod Nano 3G? Link...