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  1. J

    Why does michelle obama hate white people and america so much?

    What is wrong with her? Free college and an easy career though affirmative action and yet she has a nerve like this. Do you actually think she is fit to be the first lady?
  2. J

    Why does the Media Ignore Farrakhan’s Endorsement of Obama?

    Why does the media constantly protect obama and ties? Remember Michelle Obama's Famous Anti White Paper. Well check this out. And yet the Obama's say they have no ties with Farrakhan. Imagine the media frenzy that would ensue if David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan endorsed John McCain for...
  3. J

    Why does Barack Obama suck? I’ll give you 10 good reasons…?

    How do you feel about obama since there is so much proof about his wrong doings? I don’t know how many times I’ve heard the words “Obama” and “Messiah” used in the same sentence. To liberals, Barack Obama is a spotless god-like figure who will save America from the scourge of...
  4. J

    So do you think obama is a terrorist?

    There are many beyond many factual and authentic sources that say he is. How do you feel? 4 Weathermen terrorists declare support for Obama Call for 'grassroots effort' to help boost campaign The names of four former top leaders of the Weathermen terrorist organization are listed as...