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    Where can I create/buy a custom case or shell for my Motorola Electrify M?

    Looking to design my own case/shell for my Motorola Electrify M (Xt901). So I want something with my horse's photo or my dog's photo and I was wondering if anyone made custom cases and if so what site?
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    Well I just got my iPhone 4 a week ago from Verizon...?

    Well I really regret getting it t Verizon because my calls drops n dont have good service..I was wondering if I could cancel it with Verizon and switch to AT&T, help idk what to do.... You the I could switch to AT&T ......
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    Lost arabic language from my Nokia N95, how can I bring it back?

    After updating the software of my Nokia N95 I lost the arabic language from it although I used the Arabic updating site from Nokia.
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    Have you heard of this movie?

    I watched a movie one time on TV a few years ago and I remember that it was about a little kid that was able to go to a different dimension through a mirror only if he had a special berry. I also remember that two fairies went with him and they saved him when a queen was going to boil him for...
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    Is it normal for me to question my religion?

    I was raised in a catholic home. However I consider myself to be very open minded and believe in evolution but I get a lot of peace when I pray or go to church. I do not believe in kissing the priests hand or that the Pope is holy. When the bread and wine is served in mass I never go up to take...
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    when I burn a C D or a D V D I can play it on the computer not on car

    stereo or dvd player? how do you set your computer up when your going to burn a cd or a dvd so that it will play on your stereo or dvd player when i burn either one it will only play on my computer
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    Do you think of anyone other than your significant other during sex?

    I don't do this and I think it's a horribly rude thing to do, but I've heard and read about lots of people who do and I was wondering how common this is. Do you or have you done this and why? Is it because you aren't attracted to the person you are sleeping with? If you do this who do you...
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    where can i get free ringtones sent to your phone?

    Im dieing for a song called dont forget- demi lovato, i love this song help me find it.
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    A good book to read.?

    At the moment I am looking for a good book to read. I still have a whole month of enjoying peace and quiet, so I thought you could help me by suggesting one that you thought was interesting. the last thing I read was the Hunger Games series which I quite enjoyed. so I was thinking something in...
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    Is there a way to cancel a Broadcast Message on a BlackBerry?

    My friend just took my phone and sent the most stupid Broadcast Message ever and I don't want all my contacts to read it. I turned the network off so it's not sent yet. Is there a way to cancel it? Please.
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    Any ideas on how to travel with pills that need to be refrigerated?

    Im traveling to Bolivia tomorrow and Im trying to figure out how I can take some pills I have for infections I get. How could I travel with them? I thought I could get a icepack but what could I put it in? Any ideas? I really need my pills to prevent a reoccuring infection and I cant count on...
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    is it weird that I'm so messed up.. like mad.. about jacob (the twilight

    character)? read info!? Ok.. so I'm not a crazy twilight fan... but I like the story.. I like romantic novels in general... I've read twilight and new moon and I just started eclipse.. I've read 3 chapters so far.. but the whole trilogy is killing me!!!!!!!! I mean... I literally couldn't start...
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    how do you clean elmers glue off of a dvd?

    My 2 1/2 year old nephew made "cheeseburgers" by gluing two dvds together. I caught him right away, so the glue isn't dried, but I want to know if there is a way to clean the glue off so they will still be playable. One was a regular dvd and one was a blu-ray.
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    how do you clean elmers glue off of a dvd?

    My 2 1/2 year old nephew made "cheeseburgers" by gluing two dvds together. I caught him right away, so the glue isn't dried, but I want to know if there is a way to clean the glue off so they will still be playable. One was a regular dvd and one was a blu-ray.
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    how do you clean elmers glue off of a dvd?

    My 2 1/2 year old nephew made "cheeseburgers" by gluing two dvds together. I caught him right away, so the glue isn't dried, but I want to know if there is a way to clean the glue off so they will still be playable. One was a regular dvd and one was a blu-ray.
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    What is the name of this MMA fighter?

    I saw this pick of a mma guy getting his butt whipped but dont know who it is...... The one on right about to see stars, lol
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    Window vista help pls?

    This is start yesterday im making my ipod touch jailvreak and then it just froze so bcoz it froze i shut it down tjen turn it on after that i cant move the mouse pointer then thats it thats my problem pnly the key board is the only working but i cant choose my account bcoz i need mouse not...
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    Do you think Schapelle Corby is innocent?

    Personally I think she is. It's corruption, and they are destroying the life of an innocent woman without a doubt. I mean its so obvious that the evidence she pleaded to be considered was being ignored, and thorough investigation she begged for was being shrugged off. What the hell is goin on...
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    how can i get people information by using of internet?

    because i wanna know my friend phone number?
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    is it ok to eat an egg that was bubbling? is it normal?

    I was just making some eggs sunny side up and noticed that when i broke then egg there was a lot of liquid and and it was cooking there was mor sizzling and bubbling than normal. as if there was soap is this a sign it has gone bad? or is it ok to eat?