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  1. P

    Im always happy and Hardly ever cry and i laugh alot. Is there something im

    doing right than others? I live a simple life and I never seem to have anything to look down on. I laugh at the simplest things and Im always ready for tomorrow. Does anyone else feel like this?
  2. P

    OMG Perez Hilton On degrassi Goes Hollywood?!?

    This is totally a Cry for A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N
  3. P

    OMG Perez Hilton On degrassi Goes Hollywood?!?

    This is totally a Cry for A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N
  4. P

    If you Wake up in the middle of the night hungry does that mean you didnt eat...

    ...enough that day? Like around 3 or 2 my stomach was growling and i couldnt get too sleep, does that mean you didnt eat enough that day?
  5. P

    Whats Your Workout Routine?

    what do you do and how much is it?
  6. P

    How bad was this Binge?

    Is this TOTALLY Abnormal that i ate this much.. I was drunk After my usual day of eating (about 1,300 cals) I got drunk and ate two bowls of ice cream with tons of cereal and peanutbutter ontop 3 cookies with cool whip ontop, some candy and mixed bar nuts and two mini tortillas Today i didnt...
  7. P

    Attention all Binge eaters?

    Can you please post an example of one of your binges? i'm confused on how much a person with a True binge eating disorder binges.
  8. P

    Why Is Pott illegal? anyone got a good reason?

    Really.. I mean come on, can anyone give me a good reason. Alchool seems way worse. With pott all you do is sit, laugh and eat.
  9. P

    Stupid Gym people Gawk and Stare at me when i'm working out!!! Anyone else...

    ...have this problem? Okay i'm a little skinny (88 5'4) and people think its okay to stare at me with a disgusted face! I feel so humiliated and embarrassed all the time. If someone was over weight i don't think they would Stare and give mean faces, but since someone is underweight they think...
  10. P

    Am I going to gain weight with this Eating?

    Okay i'm trying to gain weight I ate instant Oatmeal with Cereal on top than worked out for 2 hours Then i had a carmel Frapp-achino and some sugar peas Than i had a t.v dinner that was 330 calories and A bowl of vegetables then i had some ice cream with berries on top and just now i had a...
  11. P

    how many cals is this?

    1 packet of instant oatmeal with a cup of cereal on top Smoothie (12 oz of soy milk, blackberries, strawberries, water, and a protein boost) Turkey,creamcheese,cranberry Wrap A scoop of Fat free Vanilla Ice cream with Cereal and frozen berries ontop
  12. P

    Whats your workout routines?

    I want to know, and how much cardio do you usually do
  13. P

    Whats your workout routines?

    I want to know, and how much cardio do you usually do
  14. P

    The Recovering Anorexic Binge?

    The first time you started recovering did you have epic binges that consist of almost eating yourself to death? I want to hear how much Recovering anorexics binge and if its normal for them to binge and i would feel alot better about m binges if people wrote how much they have eaten when...
  15. P

    how many calories should i be eating?

    I'm 90 and 5'4 I run 8 miles on the treadmill at 7mph and higher monday, wednestday, Friday and sometimes Sunday, On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I have 90 minutes Master Ballet class. I also do a little stregth training here and there. How many calories should i be eating? and Heres what i...
  16. P

    Did I Eat TOo much, can i loose wight doing this?? I Need Help Please help Food

    is so dumb!? Do you think I ate too much for a diet and wont loose wieght Break fast: Instant oatmeal with Strawberry Cereal on top at about 1:30 i had a Venti Blended Light Coffe Frap (200 cal Excercise: At the mall I had to do about 4 ballet christmas performances for every one I also had...
  17. P


    K i'll give out points but i need to know what everyon's exercise routines are for one week im doing a survey and it would really really help. The more anwsers the better!
  18. P

    can someone tell me what is the highest Cholestrol mg in Nutrition ?

    like what are some foods that doesn't have much cholesterol in it