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  1. T

    How do you send apps from android to android?

    I heard there's an app that you can get that sends apps from my droid to someone elses droid.
  2. T

    BlackBerry Storm/Lg Dare Owners ONLY PLEASE!?

    I'm getting a new phone in a week and I need to know the pros and cons of each phone if you know or the pros and cons of the phone you have. Please don't request any other phone or list the prices as a pro or con.
  3. T

    if you have a Verizon phone which phone is better the env2 or the Glyde?

    Get the Glyde you can buy a screen cover for the touchscreen
  4. T

    Lg Dare Question????

    I'm getting the Lg Dare soon. I was wondering does it come with a stylist and if it does is there a place to put it in the phone or what?
  5. T

    Lg Dare or Blackberry Storm? Automatic 10 Points for best answer!?

    I'm wondering should I get the dare or wait for the storm? It would be great if some one could give me a website to compare them on.
  6. T

    Lg Dare vs. Samsung Instinct?

    I'm getting a new phone for Christmas and I'm with Verizon. Should I get the Dare or switch to Sprint and get the Instinct.
  7. T

    I'm getting a new phone which one should I get, the Lg Dare, Samsung Glyde, or

    the Lg Voyager. ? Please only Verizon Wireless phone owners.