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    04 Pontiac Bonneville GXP or 04 Mazda RX-8?

    The GXP has 66,000 Miles and is for $10,800 The RX 8 has 33,000 Miles and is for $10,700...
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    Where can i listen to a copy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark for free/audio

    book (Online). 10 points? I am trying to get a better understanding of this so that I can read it to to an english class im going to tutor. Is there anyway somebody could give me a website that they have checked or put up a url or somthing for me.
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    What are some good trucking companies to work for?

    i live in N.C.
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    Any football(European)/soccer jersey's with POLO collars?

    Hi all, I recently purchased two jerseys with polo collars. One is the Arsenal F.C Away jersey and the other is an A.C Milan home jersey. I was wondering if there are any other popularish teams out there with jerseys (that are worn in matches) that have polo collars. Thank you!
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    Any football(European)/soccer jersey's with POLO collars?

    Hi all, I recently purchased two jerseys with polo collars. One is the Arsenal F.C Away jersey and the other is an A.C Milan home jersey. I was wondering if there are any other popularish teams out there with jerseys (that are worn in matches) that have polo collars. Thank you!
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    FIFA 10 Transfer Help?

    I'm on my second franchise year with Manchester United, won the league. However, I can't seem to be able to sign anyone from other teams, there's always a different reason like not enough money, not enough playing time, etc, and at times, they change several different reasons for each player...
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    RPG games simiar to runescape?

    Anyone know of any FREE rpg games which are similar to runescape?
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    Do people in Jamaica have computers, internet, and TVs?

    Is it people only from uptown Kingston that have such priveleges or do others have them too/ Also I was talking to my parents about education in Jamaica and they said a 16 year old Jamaican student can have a better education than most 18 year old American high school graduates? Is their only a...
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    Should I purchase a Front of Line pass for Hollywood's Halloween Horror

    Night? We're going on Halloween Day.? Any more tips/advice would be helpful such as when to arrive, which ride/show/maze to go first, etc. Thank you!!
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    What celebrity do you think is the worst example for children in America?

    BTW: My vote goes to Super head (Karin Steffins)
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    Who misses the way UFC events originally took place?

    The way they used to hold the event in a tournament style with the Brackets and each fighter who wins would advance towards the finals. I thought it was more exciting.
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    Why do so many MMA fans (other than myself) give Brock Lesner so much credit,...

    ...when...........? He's just a white version of Kimbo Slice?
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    Who does Bret Rogers think he is?

    This guy talks crap as though he's gods gift to MMA by talking down such fighters as Ken Shamrock, and Dan Severn who where amongst the best fighters ever when they where in their prime. This "Bret Rogers" guy is a low quality fighter who has an 8-0 record only because he was lucky enough to...