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  1. T

    Should parents who hit their children be condemned to jail,or be denied... (see case)? She was also sentenced to 45 days in jail which she will not serve as she has no previous convictions. Her son was known as a problematic child at school. The mother is deaf and dumb. He threw a...
  2. T

    Have you ever been tempted to kill someone else´s dog?

    I have. A very selfish man left his three hunting dogs on an allotment in front of my house howling and barking 24/7. When the police went to talk to him he claimed it wasn´t his dogs making the noise There were no other dogs there!.He lived in another town, just showed up to feed them every...
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    I´m having an "old lady" moment and I´m not enjoying it. What should I do?

    This 1983 music special programme on ITV is upsetting me. I do not want to see my childhood idols all wrinkly and fat croaking out their old songs. I do not want to be reminded that it was a "quarter of a century ago" Should I just turn over and watch Family Guy or continue torturing myself...
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    A boy commits suicide live would you have reacted? ? I include two links as the slant...
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    Rhys Jones trial:Sean Mercer will not be taking the stand?

    He won´t be giving "evidence" in his own defence. Has the little scumbag finally realised that his lies just don´t convince anyone?
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    Should there be a law passed to prohibit all Christmas advertising on T.V

    until at least late November? I´ve just seen some ad for Christmassy air fresheners ...mid October!! Will it be all year round soon?
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    Can Blair ever be forgiven for destroying the Labour Party and have they any...

    ...chance at all in an Election ? Well I would lay 90% of the party´s current unpopularity squarely at his Iraq invading, hypocritical feet
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    Would you recognise your own son on CCTV footage? If there was a shooting yards from your home and the police revealed that they were looking for someone who owned a bike the same brand that your son owned (this fact is proven by insurance documents)and then released...
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    Would you be happy to jump aboard any bus that Noel Edmonds was driving? First he´s refusing to pay his license. (Big wow...he´s got more than enough cash to pay the fine they´lll give him) Now he wants to close the borders. "The bus is full ". Does that mean he won´t let anyone...
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    Rhys Jones murder accused can´t find a barrister, what happens if they

    don´t find one before trial starts ? Will the trial be delayed if a barrister doesn´t take the case on soon?
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    Should people be allowed to walk naked through city streets?

    There is a Frenchman , currently walking (and cycling) around San Sebastian (Basque Country) as naked as the day he was born. He is claiming it his human right to walk around bare assed .The human body is beautiful. He reckons that it is the people who are looking only at his genitalia that...