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  1. B

    If I'm spending £800 - £1400 per person on a cruise, why would I be...

    ...enchanted by a 'free bottle of house wine'? It just seems a very odd incentive. Other cruise lines offer, perhaps - Long term parking at the departure port or rail travel included - sounds good. Free travel insurance - interesting. $200 per cabin spend - well yes, I certainly wouldn't...
  2. B

    Call me old fashioned, but according to an e-dictionary the plural of diaspora is...

    ...diasporas. Is that correct? I am by no means a classical scholar, but ... ... I'm the sort of person who, still, thinks that 'syndrome' is pronounced with a "hard" 'e'; as in Penelope. The more I think about it the more I'm wondering if diaspora isn't plural already.
  3. B

    Is my mother's sister's daughter's grandson my cousin twice removed?

    He is my first cousin's grandson.
  4. B

    I have 4 attractive women who treat me as their 'gay best friend' although I'm

    not homosexual? Women seem to confide in me without even considering I may find them sexually attractive myself. It might make a hilarious rom-com script if it wasn't happening to me.