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  1. I

    I'm going to shop at Frederick's of Hollywood for Church clothes. What should I...

    ...get for my wife? Just in case someday she wants to take our soon to be kid to church. And if she makes me go, I will find something at the store for myself too.
  2. I

    Did my cat purposely kill her kittens?

    asked a question on friday about one of my cat's kittens dying. Well that night, I came home and found another kitten dead. I found it laying on it's back with it's front paws in the air, like maybe it had been smothered. It's either that or the mother accidentally landed on it. Either way...
  3. I

    Does your significant other complain about the size of your Junk?

    Does she think you have too much Junk, or just enough Junk? Or too little Junk? You've gotta keep an eye on your Junk. You don't want it to get out of hand.
  4. I

    Spiritually speaking, do you have any tit's for saving gas on a trip?

    Spiritually speaking, do you have any tit's for saving gas on a trip?
  5. I

    Did Nostradamus predict that atheists would take over R&S?

    I bet he's smacking himself in the head for missing that one.