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  1. T

    Does bodybuilding stunted my growth ?

    Im busy with bodybuilding alot i workout 6 times a week for 2 hours. I have some perfect gains im 152 lbs 5'7 feet i can bench press 165 lbs three sets of 8 reps is this stunting my growth? I become 17 next month!
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    Dance/fitness/health tumblr blogs to follow?

    My new dance/health blog is called "thatdanceblog". Follow me :) I'll follow back. If you have a dance blog please tell me. More hip hop Contemporary dance blogs please :)
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    Why can't god and evolution both exist?

    The ONLY reason any Christian has EVER been able to give me that evolution is wrong is that it would be saying God made a mistake that had to be corrected. Then if asked why would God let children die and plagues wipe out 1,00's of people and AIDS exist they all say "the Lord works in...
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    thinking about going from at&t to verizon any thoughts?

    I have an iphone through at&t right now but I feel like its not as cool as it was 2 years ago and Im gettin the itch for something new. Im also sick of feeling ripped off with my phone bill being 100 bucks every month. I only get 450 min too! not like I need anymore than that but still. Im...
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    at&t or verizon? which is better?

    which is better? I had verizon for a couple years a while ago and they kept over charging me so i went to at&t and I have the iphone but its just soo expensive and im noticing that verizon has touch phones now too. are they any good? do they have insurrance on those? cuz i cant get it on my...
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    Is there going to be a new Crash Bandicoot game?

    I love crash bandicoot and am playing mind over mutant at the moment. will there be a new game released this year or next at all? Aussie release dates if you can find any would also be helpful. thanks heaps
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    Where can i download music which won't give me a virus and is safeee, free?

    DON'T SAY LIMEWIRE. i had to pay $200 to get my computer fixed because i downloaded a song which contained a virus. safe? i think not
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    Who is your favourite NCIS character?

    Mine is Tony :D
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    Jonas Brothers Tickets?

    Does anyone know when the Jonas Brothers Australia tickets will become available??
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    If you could go on a vacation anywhere, where would you go?

    I would love to go to Rome!!! :D Well if you are wondering why I am asking this question it's because my sister and her husband are on a cruise to the Bahamas and I am stuck here going to college, studying for my Medical Terminology test for tomorrow and my Anatomy test for Thursday, which of...
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    will i bleed to death if i clip off a skin tag?

    i have already interfered with it so much that it started bleeding so i'm thinking i could just get rid of it. if its not a malignant skin thing then what would be wrong with just clipping it off once and for all. its horrible.