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  1. G

    How to add google map in blogger "gadget"? whenever i try to add, it shows URL...

    How to add google map in blogger "gadget"? whenever i try to add, it shows URL... ...broken. anyone can explain? i am using blogger blogspot. i am trying to add google map in my blogger "Gadget". but whenever i try to add, it shows the URL broken. i am doing copy and paste the URL. also i...
  2. G

    Should the People get a "Bail Out"?

    If Bankers can be bailed out of their debts, then why can't the People? More here:;_ylt=AhGgUJDRgJWd_DJ.kaD2w86sDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20101011065641AAhhNWK All thoughts welcome,...
  3. G

    Youtube not working on my blackberry?

    whenever i click i video to watch on youtube on my blackberry it says "protocol specified is not supported by handlheld. please try a different URL"is there a setting on my blackberry that i need to change or does my blackberry not support youtube at all?
  4. G

    I want to visit HongKong for 1 week for biz & want to dodge Chinese New Yr

    holidays. What dates do u suggest? Visa expires 10 Feb. I can travel immediately
  5. G

    Can someone give me an abraham lincoln quote about slavery.?

    More than one would be nice. I couldn't find any good ones.
  6. G

    I have heard that sea fish is not safe to eat in Summers since it is their

    breeding season. Any thoughts? They say the safe months are from September to April. Could just be a myth or superstition but thought I'll clarify