Search results

  1. J

    Can I switch from basic phone to smartphone in contract Verizon?

    Hello Y/A If I currently have a simple multimedia phone still in the 2 year contract, will there be any additional fees besides adding in the data plan if I bought an used iphone off of e-bay that's compatible with Verizon? Should I do the switch? Or should I wait 11 more month with my current...
  2. J

    Verizon phone upgrade question.?

    Hello Y/A community, Approximately 10 months ago I had an upgrade from my phone to the Samsung Brightside, 10 months ago it looked like a good phone, but I find it personally not for me and have been very irritated with it. I have used touch screen phones before and it's not like it, I...
  3. J

    Being a godparent to the child of an irresponsible sister-in-law?

    My sister-in-law is a 19 year old college freshman and has just become pregnant from a one-night stand. This girl is outrageously irresponsible, reckless, and out of control. She's admitted to using Exstacy, oxycontin, and already has a criminal conviction for driving under the influence of...