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  1. C

    Why does GNC sell a 100% Whey Protein and Whey Protein Complex? Whats the Difference?

    The 100% Whey Protein is more expensive than the Whey Protein Complex by $20! What is the difference? There both 5lbs too. Whats in Whey Protein 100% and Whey Protein Complex?
  2. C

    does anybody have or use a mafia on iphone and needs friends?

    add me im 660448474
  3. C

    How to control the volume of a panasonic home theater system on my Comcast remote.?

    I use comcast for t.v. and i programmed my remote to control the t.v., cable box and panasonic home theater system and whenever I change the volume for the home theater system, i have to use two remotes because the comcast remote only changes the volume on the t.v. Is their anyway to be able to...
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    Is there an app store for itouch and not iPhone?

    I have an itouch and I want the app store how can i get a app store for my itiouch
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    Would teaching a first time driver in manual mess up my car?

    Im going to teach a friend how to drive manual. He already knows how to drive automatic. What is the worst thing that could happen to my car? Would it over heat, break the engine, ruin anything. Since hes a first time on the manual transmission. Everyone says, nothing. Just wanted to make sure.
  6. C

    Regions and DVD Shrink?

    I used to have Vista (thank God took it out), but every now and then I would play a movie on my laptop. So it changed regions sometimes...but now when i used DVD Shrink it said that I don't have any more tries to change the region. Now, is there another way to change that? I mean, is there a...
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    Transition to Fish Surfboard?

    Hello from San Diego, I want to finally make a transition from long board (I ride a 9' Walden Magic Tri-fin) to a Fish surfboard. I mainly surf Scripps to Shores and the occasional Del Mar (11th St.) I weigh about 185 and measure 5'9. Can anyone recommend a good board size and shaper? I like the...
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    i brought a sagem my 511x and got a sagem bluetooth headset h2 i cant connect them

    or the headset to my ps3? i whould prefer to have it on my ps3 but it dont seam to find th headset
  9. C

    Should I trade in my PSP?

    I have a PSP scratch-free that I dont play anymore.My birthday is coming up in 6 days and I want an Xbox360, and I already have a wii and PS3. So I figured I could trade in my PSP and with the special thing Gamestop is doing I can get an extra $20 worth of credit added on to however much credit...