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  1. R

    Opinions on this workout routine?

    So I'm very much a beginner when it comes to gym and weights etc. I'm 18 y/o female, 95 lbs and looking to build muscle, get toned and put on weight. I just joined the gym and one of the trainers there set me up on a program and what exercises I should do. This is what he suggested: 20-25...
  2. R

    How do you say "I haven't studied economics or politics before" in spanish?!?

    How do you say "I haven't studied economics or politics before" in spanish?!? Please help Thanks!
  3. R

    Do you think it's fair for....?

    my single mother who earns approximately $40k a year to charge her college attending son water and gas bills, which I do not mind and I have been paying them for a little over a year. Only recently my older 27 yr. old drug dealing brother who is too lazy to work has moved back in and my mom...
  4. R

    Ipod Touch or PDA for college student?

    Ok So I'm debating on as to whether I should buy an Ipod touch or a PDA. I mostly want something to keep track of important dates, open powerpoint, word files, and sync with my PC. However, I also want to be able listen to music and watch videos while surfing the net at a reliable speed. I've...
  5. R

    choice between a mazda rx8 - dodge neon SRT-4 - or Audi TT

    I've been cheking out cars for the past month and i will get one this coming december. However the 3 cars I'm interested on are the Mazda Rx8 wit a 1.3L engine or a Dodge Neon SRT-4 wit a 2.4L engine and last choice is an Audi TT wit a 1.8L engine. I'm interested in all but unfortunately i can...
  6. R

    Should I feel sorry for my mother and financially support her?

    I'm a 23 yr. old college student living with his single mother. I have also been working 40 hours a week since the age of 19 to pay for my tuition and other living expenses. My single mother who earns approximately 34k a year constantly complains of financial problems when paying bills, and...