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  1. J

    How do I download movies on my laptop from amazon?

    I cant find where I'm able to download my tv show and movies on to my computer, I've got this kindle for my sixteenth birthday and bought a kindle fire hd. (worst buy ever) I got it thinking I can use it on the air planes to watch movies and TV shows becasue I always travle. But I gave up on...
  2. J

    What do you think of future technology that could allow a baby to be born...

    ...outside of the mother’s womb? What do you think of future technology that could allow a baby to be incubated from conception to birth outside of the mother’s womb? Sort of like a technological amniotic sac and placenta Ladies- would you prefer this over a traditional pregnancy?
  3. J

    Sims 3 vacation were can i buy it?

    first is sims 3 vacation out in stores yet and second if it is were can i buy it (not on the internet) and i live in canada so like does best buy sell it? or any store like that third how much is it
  4. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  5. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  6. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  7. J

    Why do homophobic Christians try to force their beliefs on people?

    I'm bisexual and it is seriously annoying. I am not Christian and America is supposed to have Freedom of Religion, yet people try to use the bible as an excuse to hate on me for being bi. For any homophobic Christians reading this, bible quotes will not do anything to convince an agnostic...
  8. J

    How do I block phone numbers via text on a motorola 326g?

    I kept getting calls from some Sallie Mae person, whom I honestly do not know, so I figured out I could block their phone number by going to options in the missed call thingy. But now they are sending me texts saying to call them about student loans or something stupid like that and I can't...
  9. J

    POLL: what do u think of love?

    do u love it, hate it...why or why not? im listening, i wanna know :)
  10. J

    Question about FTA for court?

    If someone was suppose to go to court to get their sentencing but didn't show up. Can they still be released? Can the Judge change their mind or do they have to go to prison? Thanks
  11. J

    I have ankle popping and slight pain?

    I woke up this morning and my ankl was TROBBING i was like ok w.e im just stiff, 30 minutes later i pop my ankle that nomally unstiffens it. but the pain is still there. its at the very top front of my foot were the leg connects to the ankle by the tongue of a shoe. and its throbbing and any...