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  1. C

    What is the difference between girl bikes and guy bikes?

    Why do girl bikes have that bend in the bar that runs in between the front and back tires and guy bikes dont?
  2. C

    Why do Conspiracy theorists hate this movie.....? is it because it is "pro jew"? What are you talking about. It was a good movie.
  3. C

    It looks like the conspiracy nutjobs are wrong yet again......?

    I thought Bush was going to orchestrate a mass terrorist attack in L.A, so that he could declare marshall law and remain president for as long as he lives. what do you think? That is what i meant. It was a fucking typo.
  4. C

    Is there any sympathy out there for Conspiracy Buster?

    I have a Biology lab on Wednesday night from 6:30-9:20 pm
  5. C

    Do you have any sympathy for Conspiracy Buster?

    I have a Biology lab on Wednesday nights from 6:30-9:20 I will go. It is just that i dont like night classes. Sour Taco- this has nothing to do with 9/11. There were people celebrating 9/11 all over the world. Including the Palestinians and Muslims in the UK. You have no evidence they are...
  6. C

    Poll: Is there any sympathy for Conspiracy Buster?

    I have a Biology lab Wednesday nights from 6:30-9:20
  7. C

    Should they make a new candy bar and call it the "conspiracy nut bar"?

    With those wafer things like kit kat bars or nutty buddies have. Covered in Creamy Dark Chocolate, and topped with peanuts. Conspiracy theorists are my inspiration. We all know they are nuts afterall.
  8. C

    Poll: Do you believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories?

    Even though there is no evidence that is not fabricated or misinterpreted. You guys should watch the video. It is entertaining :) honestam- because it is a waste of money. We know what happened. There is not a legit expert in the world. Even the...
  9. C

    Poll: Do you believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories?

    Even though there is no real evidence that has not been fabricated or misinterpreted. That is the kind of fabricated misinterpreted evidence i was talking about. Watch the video and learn about what kind of "experts" you have in your group. I am not...
  10. C

    Is it time for the minority that call themselves "9/11 Conspiracy nuts"...?

    to fade off into history like the JFK conspiracy nuts? I have researched 9/11 thoroughly and have found all your "evidence" to either be flat out lies or a misinterpretation of facts. M.V.P- It does if one of the buildings falls onto the third. The north tower fell on WTC 7. It did not fall...
  11. C

    Poll: Why do yahoo answers conspiracy theorists answer questions and then go to

    another one of their accounts.? and give themselves thumbs up? Sometimes they answer the question with that duel account and sometimes they dont. Bellamy- lol Dont just give Bellamy thumbs up people. Answer the question as well.
  12. C

    Should Israel haters who have a Motorola cell phone get rid of it?

    Since Motorola is an Israeli company. their phone was likely made in Israel. I am educated. Alot of Motorola's phones are made in Israel. You need to educate yourself victory. mordent that is exactly what I am talking about. There is a chance their phone was made in Israel.
  13. C

    Is this bad news for Conspiracy theorists?

    Next semester i am taking Logic. I am using logic as a primary weapon against these idiots as it is. But after this semester i will be able to use it to give a fatal blow.
  14. C

    Poll: Why haven't all the 9/11 conspiracy theorists mysteriously gone on vacation...?

    and were never seen or heard from again? I know if i was in the Govt and carried out 9/11, i know i would not let people find out. Uh bad news- just because there were warnings does not mean they were complicit. If anything that is a sign of negligence. FAIL
  15. C

    Poll: do you believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories?

    I know it is in the wrong Category, but the people that do believe in them hang out in the Politics Category =0
  16. C

    Why do conspiracy theorists on YA...?

    have more than 1 active account. WHen they answer a question they go to the other account and give themselves thumbs up. Sometimes they give themselves thumbs up and they even answer the same question with the other account. They dont think Conspiracy Buster knows? Oh yes Conspiracy...
  17. C

    Why does "Orchard 42fu" Aka "thomas sr six feet u..., Conspiracy Buster...

    Why does "Orchard 42fu" Aka "thomas sr six feet u..., Conspiracy Buster...,The koolaid comment...etc? Keep sending me messages calling me a fag***, and wanting a** r*** me, and beat me? Who is this loser, and is not it time Yahoo put a permanent IP address ban on his/her computer...
  18. C

    If the WTC "meteorite" was formally molten steel like conspiracy theorists...

    If the WTC "meteorite" was formally molten steel like conspiracy theorists... ...claim.....? then why is there paper with legible writing fused to it? This is "smoking gun" evidence that this "meteorite" was and is floors that compressed together. Critical thinking skills (something 9/11...
  19. C

    Poll: isn't it obvious that 9/11 conspiracy theorists commit fraud?

    Take Tricky Dick for instance. I noticed that he usually changes the mind of EVERYBODY except 1 person. It is usually except 1 person. AND his petition usually gets signed in groups of two. It will go several hours or days then the counter will go up by 2. Also Willi R. Changed his story...
  20. C

    What is your favorite conspiracy theory?

    I like 9/11 conspiracy theories the best. Controlled Demolition, No planes, United 93 landed in Cleveland. All that. They make me giggle.