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  1. D

    Ok, I gave up on radio, where can I watch WBC on TV in Florida since I do not

    have TV at home? I just missed Japan play since I could not find a radio station to listen to, now on the 22nd, I do not want to miss the game. It is already 1 am here, I do not want to bother friends to watch the game on Sunday Evening....
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    I am looking to buy Toyota Supra, but not sure which one to get?

    For power house street type? There are many on eBay, but what if something goes wrong or something is already wrong with them ??
  3. D

    What should I do with my Sprint Family plan, my second line phone....?

    I gave it to my girl friend and now we broke up. The account is under may name and she still has my phone. Her line is good until December 2009. She wont respond to me if she wants to go independent or she will return the phone. What would happen if I just report to the spring the second line...
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    how can I make ODEN ? and where can I find the ingredient, etc ? ?

    I am in Lakeland, Florida. SIGh...
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    I am looking for a wok, what kind is the best ?

    Cast Iron ? Carbon ? Stainless ?
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    Help me, I have body aches and pain all over.......?

    Doctor can not find ANYTHING wrong with me. I have been sleeping A LOT, like more than 12 hrs a day, deal with depression.
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    Why Religion Kills ..........?

    Such as " holy war " ... kill for and die for its all wrong and sin isn't it ? I know Buddhism is the only "teaching (not religion) says KILLING is wrong.
  8. D

    Can you list movies that is...........?

    Super erotic, sexual, beautiful ?? That has lots of sexy erotic people in it, nearly X-rated, but not. For adult ?? American or Foreign does not matter. Thanks.
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    Why NEW YORK TIMES has printed TWO different Editions on?

    Obama Election dated November 05, 2008. ONE has his entire family in color on the front page, the other has only him on the front page. Two different front cover by The New York Times.
  10. D

    Obama New York Times Editions ?

    What are the differences in the New York Times editions that were printed on November 15, 2008 ? 1)National edition vs Washington edition? 2) National Edition vs New York edition , etc? Sorry, I meant November 05, 20008.
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    New York Times Editions Early(?) edition vs LATE edition?

    I have seen LATE EDITION as it printed in BOLD at the top right corner. How come I have never seen EARLY EDITION printed in BOLD at the top right corner? Instead, I have seen WASHINGTON. Is this means Early edition ?
  12. D

    DO you think Religion is made Selfish ?

    I think it is. It is always about MY PAIN, MY SUFFERING, MY HOPE, MY WISH......., and always about Mankind, never about other living things like Bugs, Fish, Flowers, etc, etc.
  13. D

    What is HIP and a popular Fashion among guys for 20s ?

    What is up with everyone in their 20s with 70's looking? Vintage looking clothes everyone is wearing...? Or is it something else? Where do you guys get these idea of clothing you guys are wearing these days?
  14. D

    How much do you Gossip?

    Do you Gossip Positive about the person / people ? or Negative ? How do you stop from Gossiping with friends?
  15. D

    How can I improve eye sight naturally ?

    I wear glasses and contact lens now. Mostly glasses and contact only when I work out. While I am using these for supplementing my eye sight how can I improve it naturally? My eye site was perfect until age about 22 and it got worse and worse.
  16. D

    what is the best diet for the dogs ?

    I know in the wild they eat raw meat. In domesticated ones, we give them mostly commercial dog food such as dry food. I give mine organic one. But I know vets want us to brush, clean teeth, etc. In the wild there is no need. I've tried BARF or raw meat diet, but it got too expensive. I am...
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    Mike Tyson on UFC or K-1 ?

    Who would like to see him in it~!? I DO~!!!! See how long he will last without biting or poking or ripping.
  18. D

    Why Religion is all faith and believe base?

    What about FACT ? A REALITY? Then we wont need a religion, a wishful hopeful thinking of mankind....
  19. D

    What would you like to ask?

    Do you use Windows XP ? if so, do you know how to set up a language like in eMail software so that you can type it in Japanese ?
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    My female friend just got a BIKE for the first time, any gift idea?

    She has 350 CC bike, black and silver bike, she got helmet, jacket, and glove for herself. I do not want to spend too much money, but something fun, funny, exciting, or usable for her bike. I thought of Teddy Beat with a US Flag, but that is just too lame. Any idea ?